Submit A Complaint
At New Start Standardbred Adoption, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and care in everything we do. We understand that in the nature of our work, concerns may arise. Your feedback is vital in helping us improve and ensuring the well-being of the horses in our program, the volunteers, and the adopters we serve.
Why Accountability Matters
Accountability is at the heart of our mission. As a 100% volunteer-run organization, we rely on the trust and confidence of our followers to carry out our work effectively. Whether it's ensuring the proper care of our horses or maintaining open communication with adopters, we take our responsibility seriously. Your voice plays an essential role in holding us accountable and ensuring that New Start remains a safe, supportive, and responsible organization for everyone involved.
If you have a concern or wish to submit a formal complaint, we encourage you to do so through the form below.
Complaints may relate but are not limited to:
The care and treatment of horses in our program
Adoption processes and procedures
Interactions with volunteers or foster caretakers
Any other matter related to the operations of New Start
We take every complaint seriously and will review each submission thoroughly.
Our goal is to address any concerns in a fair, timely, and transparent manner.
Fill Out the Form Below: Please provide as much detail as possible so we can thoroughly investigate your concern.
Remain Confidential: You may choose to submit your complaint anonymously, but if you would like a response, please include your contact information in the message of your email.
Expect a Response: If you include your contact information, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours, and you can expect a full review and response within 3-5 Days depending on the nature of the complaint.
Thank you for helping us maintain the trust and accountability that allow us to continue our mission of providing safe, loving homes for Standardbred horses.